Master (6 ECTS) Lecture and tutorial "Behavioral and Experimental Economics"
In Behavioral and Experimental Economics, we cover the central methods and concepts of this field at an advanced level. By integrating psychological insights into economics, behavioral economics challenges traditional models of decision making that are based on standard economic preferences and standard economic beliefs. After discussing such classic models of economic decision behavior, we present evidence from laboratory and field experiments in economics and psychology which has led to alternative descriptive models of behavior. In this context, we also discuss how the modern empirical-experimental toolbox can provide causal evidence on the determinants of human behavior. Expanding their own toolbox, students learn to discuss current theoretical and empirical research in behavioral economics.
Master (6 ECTS) Lecture and tutorial "Economics of Education"
The course deals with current research in the area “Economics of Education” at an advanced level, involving theoretical models as well as current empirics. We discuss the relevance of education as a central driver for individual and societal economic well-being and for productivity growth in the economy. Thereby, we cover topics such as individual decisions to invest (or to not invest) in education, long-term individual and social returns to education, the role of human capital, i.e. an individual’s skills and abilities, as a determinant of labor market success and the efficiency and equity of various different educational policies.
PhD Course "Intergenerational Economics"
This course is for advanced graduate students and it is part of the Graduate School of Economics, Finance, and Management (GSEFM) of the Universities of Darmstadt, Frankfurt and Mainz. It is taught at Goethe-Universität Frankfurt by Professor Daniel Schunk. For further information, please contact Professor Schunk directly at
Master Lecture and tutorial "Math review"
The course aims to review the math that is required for the economic courses the students will take in the following semesters. Hence, it tries to enable the students to dive into and enjoy modern economics that uses mathematical methods intensively in both theoretical and empirical work. We cover basic calculus, linear algebra, real analysis, probability theory, and basic statistics. The course is especially designed for those students who have not done a lot of math during their bachelors or for those who have been a while out of university.
April 15, 2025 08:00 - 18:00: Session I
April 16, 2025 08:00 - 18:00: Session II
April 17, 2025 08:00 - 18:00: Session III