Seminar Master (Thu, June 30 - Fr, July 1 2016) "Human Decision Making and Public Policy"
First meeting (compulsory): Wednesday, 27-04-2016, 11-12:00, room HS VII (00 424 Container). Seminar block date: Thursday, 30-06-2016, 14-19:00, Friday 01-07.2016, 9-15:00, room HS VI (Container).
All participants have to read chapter 1-3 (page 1-78) of the World Development Report 2015: Mind, Society, and Behavior. Furthermore, every participant gets two of the chapters 4-11 of the development report randomly assigned. One of the chapter has to be presented during the seminar, and the other chapter has to be discussed in the seminar paper. The paper has to be submitted one week before the seminar. For your paper we expect you to discuss further theoretical and empirical literature by using the references of the chapter assigned to you.
The presentation used in the introduction with all the organisational detail, and the literature can be found in the Ilias group for this seminar (for registration use the password given in the introduction).
Seminar Master (Fr, June 10 - Sa, June 11 2016) "Public Economics" Prof. Barbaro
First meeting (compulsory): Tuesday, 26-04-2016, 11-12:00, room HS VII (00 424 Container). Seminar block date: Friday, 10-06-2016, 16-19:00, Saturday 11-06-2016, 10-14:00, room RW 5.
In the last decades, the field of political economics has become one of the most active research areas in public economics. This seminar focuses on topics on political economics in theory in particular and on practice. The seminar will start with the necessary tools of political economics (preferences, institutions, electoral competition) and will focus also on redistributive politics.
Bachelorseminar in Public Economics
Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Bachelor-Studierende. Die vorläufige Themenliste finden Sie hier. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Anmeldung zu diesem Seminar erfolgt nicht über den Lehrstuhl, sondern über Jogustine. Die Anmeldefristen entnehmen Sie bitte den Ankündigungen des Studienbüros. Das Bachelorseminar ist für Do 23.06.(von 13 - 18 Uhr)/ Fr. 24.06.16 (von 10 - 16 Uhr) im Raum HS V (ReWi II), Jakob-Welder-Weg 4 geplant sowie eine Einführungsveranstaltung am Mi 27. April 2016 um 10 Uhr im Raum HS VII (Container). Die Präsentation der Einführungsveranstaltung mit allen organisatorischen Details und die zugeordnete Literatur finden Sie bitte in der Ilias Gruppe. Das Passwort erhalten Sie in der Einführungsveranstaltung.