Seminar in Public Economics "Public Economic Theory" (for Master and Diploma students) This is a seminar for Master and for Diploma students. Master student assignment will be done by the MIEPP-program office and is already under way. There is also space reserved for Diploma students.
First meeting (compulsory): Wednesday, 24.04.2013, RW6, 09.-10:00. Seminar block date:Friday, 05.07.2013. Information on seminar logistics and topics can be found here (soon).
The presentation used in the introduction with all the organisational detail, and the literature you can find in the Ilias group for this seminar (for registration use the password given in the introduction).
Seminar in Public Economics "Empirical Evaluation of Labor Market Programs" (for Master students) This is a seminar only for Master students. Master student assignment will be done by the MIEPP-program office and is already under way.
First meeting (compulsory): Wednesday, 24.04.2013, RW6, 10-11:00. Seminar block date: Friday, 28.06.2013, HS VI. Information on seminar logistics and topics can be found here (soon).
The presentation used in the introduction with all the organisational detail, and the literature you can find in the Ilias group for this seminar (for registration use the password given in the introduction).
Bachelorseminar in Public Economics
Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Bachelor-Studierende. Hier finden Sie die Seminarankündigung (in Kürze). Bitte beachten Sie: Die Anmeldung zu diesem Seminar erfolgt nicht über den Lehrstuhl, sondern über Jogustine. Die Anmeldefristen entnehmen Sie bitte den Ankündigungen des Studienbüros.
Das Bachelorseminar ist für Fr. 21.06.13 geplant sowie eine Einführungsveranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 24.04.2013, RW 6, von 11-13 Uhr.
Die Präsentation der Einführungsveranstaltung mit allen organisatorischen Details und die zugeordnete Literatur finden Sie bitte in der Ilias Gruppe.
Research colloquium
This is a seminar for Master and doctoral students. Master students will give a presentation on their Master Thesis. Doctoral students will present a research paper of their doctoral dissertation, a planned research design, or an overview of the literature that is relevant for their research. The methodology and findings will be discussed among seminar participants. The research colloquium takes place every Thursday during the semester from 10.15 to 11.45 in room 01-115, ReWi II (Altbau), Jakob-Welder-Weg 4, 1st floor.