Seminar Master "Markets and Morals" (Thu, June 29 - Fr, June 30 2017)
First meeting (compulsory): Wednesday, 26-04-2017, 13-14:00, room RW 6. Seminar block date: Thursday, 29-06-2017, 9-18:00, Friday 30-06-2017, 9-18:00, rote Infobox.
Topic: Markets and Morals
In this seminar, we will analyze what drives (or erodes) moral behavior in different market settings. We will take a behavioral economics perspective and use recent insights from behavioral and experimental economics for improving our understanding of the role of pro- and antisocial behavior in markets for credence and experience goods as well as labor markets.
Each student has to submit an individual seminar paper on his or her assigned topic (topic A). In addition, each student has to read the seminar paper of another student (topic B). In our seminar each student is expected to deliver a presentation on his/her own term paper (topic A) and to prepare a small presentation that discuss the topic of another student (topic B). The final version of the seminar paper is due 10 days after the seminar.
It is strongly recommended that students have prior knowledge in Behavioral Economics, e.g. based on the MIEPP course in Behavioral Economics.
The presentation used in the introduction with all the organisational detail, and the literature can be found in the Ilias group for this seminar (for registration use the password given in the introduction).
Seminar Master (Fr, Sept 22 2017) "Current Topics in Public Economics" Prof. Barbaro
First meeting (compulsory): Friday, 21-04-2017, 11-12:00, room HS IXS (-1 331) im ReWi II. Seminar block date: Friday, 22-09-2017, 9-18:00, room HS IXS (-1 331) im ReWi II .
Bachelorseminar in Public Economics (Do 22.06./Fr 23.06.2017)
Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Bachelor-Studierende. Die vorläufige Themenliste finden Sie in Kürze hier. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Anmeldung zu diesem Seminar erfolgt nicht über den Lehrstuhl, sondern über Jogustine. Die Anmeldefristen entnehmen Sie bitte den Ankündigungen des Studienbüros. Das Bachelorseminar ist für Do/Fr 22./23.06.17, jeweils von 09 bis 18 Uhr im HS IX (-1 331) im Tiefgeschoss des ReWi II geplant sowie eine Einführungsveranstaltung am Mittwoch, den 26.04.17 von 12 bis 13 Uhr im RW 6. Die Präsentation der Einführungsveranstaltung mit allen organisatorischen Details und die zugeordnete Literatur finden Sie bitte in der Ilias Gruppe. Das Passwort erhalten Sie in der Einführungsveranstaltung.