Seminar in Public Economics (for Master and Diploma students)
This is a seminar for Master and for Diploma students. Master student assignment will be done by the MIEPP-program office and is already under way. There is also space reserved for Diploma students.
Diploma students can apply for this seminar by email (at until 03 February 2012. With your application for this seminar, we need a copy (as an attachment) of your online account statement from Jogustine, and your matriculaton number. Applications without this cannot be accepted. You will be informed, whether your application for the seminar has been accepted (or whether you are on the waiting list) by 10 February 2012, and you have to decide whether or not you want to participate in the seminar until 17 February 2012.
Note that the seminar will take place in English language. While diploma students can write their seminar thesis and give their seminar presentation in German language, we expect them to participate in the discussions in English language and they are strongly encouraged to submit an English thesis and give an English seminar presentation.
The seminar will be held as a block seminar on 28 and 29 June 2012. The first meeting in which seminar topics will be assigned is on Thursday, April 26, from 12.15 pm to 13.45 pm in lecture hall RW 6.
The presentation used in the introduction with all the organisational detail, and the literature you can find in the Ilias group for this seminar (for registrationuse the password given in the introduction).
Bachelor Seminar in Public Economics (für Bachelorstudenten)
Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Bachelor-Studierende. Hier finden Sie die Seminarankündigung. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Anmeldung zu diesem Seminar erfolgt nicht über den Lehrstuhl, sondern über Jogustine. Die Anmeldefristen entnehmen Sie bitte den Ankündigungen des Studienbüros.
Einführungsveranstaltung: Mittwoch, 25. April, von 16.15 Uhr bis 17.45 Uhr im Hörsaal RW 6.
Spezielle Sprechstundentermine: Werden noch bekannt gegeben.
Abgabetermin des Exposés: Dienstag, 14.6.2012 bis 17 Uhr, im Sekretariat des Lehrstuhls und per E-mail an
Termine des Blockseminars: 21. und 22. Juni 2012, ganztägig.
Die Präsentation der Einführungsveranstaltung mit allen organisatorischen Details und die zugeordnete Literatur finden Sie bitte in der Ilias Gruppe.