Workshops and Summer Schools

Past events

September 27th – October 1st, 2021: Summer School on Advanced Methods in Behavioral Economics

Prof. Daniel Schunk (Chair of Public and Behavioral Economics at the University of Mainz, Germany) has organized a Summer School on Advanced Methods in Behavioral Economics, taking place September 27 – October 1, 2021. Lectures will be given by Simeon Schudy (LMU Munich), Jan Hausfeld (University of Amsterdam) and Carina Hausladen (ETH Zurich).

This course is intended for students from the fields of economics and related disciplines in the social sciences with an interest in methodological advancements in the field. We currently plan the Summer School in person but may switch to an online format if necessary.

More Information: Summer School 2021

Symposium zum Thema "Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Corona-Pandemie"

Der von Prof. Schunk geleitete Forschungsschwerpunkt Interdisciplinary Public Policy (IPP) der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz veranstaltete am 18. Juni 2021 ein Symposium zum Thema „Sozialwissenschaftliche Perspektiven auf die Corona-Pandemie“. Die drei Panels, zu denen JGU-interne sowie externe ExpertInnen zu Gast waren, beschäftigten sich mit Wissen und Wissenschaft in der Pandemie, demokratischem Regieren im Ausnahmezustand sowie Ungleichheit in und nach der Pandemie.

Alle Vorträge und Diskussionen wurden aufgezeichnet und sind hier abrufbar.

September 17th - 20th 2019: Summer School on Machine Learning in Economics and Business

Prof. Daniel Schunk (Chair of Public and Behavioral Economics at the University of Mainz, Germany) has organized a Summer School on Machine Learning, taking place September 17-20, 2019. Lectures will be given by Prof. Dr. Johannes Binswanger (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland).

This course is intended for students from the fields of economics or business with an interest in applying machine learning either for their doctoral thesis or in practical work thereafter.

More Information: Summer School 2019 Machine Learning

Symposium zum Thema Ungleichheit

Am 12. April 2018 veranstaltete der von Prof. Schunk geleitete Forschungsschwerpunkt Interdisciplinary Public Policy (IPP) der Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz gemeinsam mit dem Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programm ein Symposium zum Thema "Ungleichheit" ...

Research Workshop and Summer School in Economics of Education and Self-regulation 22 to 24 September 2015

On 23 September 2015, the research priority program Interdisciplinary Public Policy (IPP) and the Chair of Public Economics (Prof. Daniel Schunk) at the University of Mainz host an international research conference in Economics of Education. Keynote speakers are Eric Bettinger (Stanford University), Helena Skyt Nielsen (Aarhus University) and Alexander Koch (Aarhus University). The workshop is embedded in a summer school with international participants, taking place from 22 to 24 September. ...

Summer School and Workshop in Behavioral Economics 27 - 31 August 2012

The Department of Economics at the University of Mainz invites for a summer school in behavioral economics. On 27–28 and 30–31 August 2012 Jordi Brandts (Universitat Autónoma de Barcelona) and Dan Houser (George Mason University) will give a series of introductory and advanced lectures on a broad range of recent topics in behavioral, experimental, and emotional economics; on 29 August selected summer school participants will be able to present and discuss their own work in our international Research Workshop.
