
Publications Prof. Dr. Daniel Schunk

Selected Working Papers

Feeling guilty, afraid or still hopeful? The role of distinct emotions in climate change mitigation behavior. (with M. Bechtoldt, C. Keller, and I. Zipperle)

Refereed Journal Publications

The Impact of Working Memory Training on Children’s Cognitive and Noncognitive Skills. (with E. Berger, E. Fehr, H. Hermes, and K. Winkel). Journal of Political Economy (Forthcoming).

Don’t sweat it: Ambient temperature does not affect social behavior and perception. (with J. Krause, G. Brandt, and U. Schmidt). Journal of Economic Psychology. (2023).

Fairness and Inequality Acceptance in Children and Adolescents: A Survey on Behaviors in Economic Experiments. (with I. Zipperle). Journal of Economic Surveys (2023).

Teaching Self-regulation. (with E. Berger, E. Fehr, H. Hermes, and K. Winkel). Nature Human Behaviour (2022).

Self-Regulation Training and Job Search Effort: A Natural Field Experiment Within an Active Labor Market Program. (with E. Berger, G. Koenig, H. Mueller, and F. Schmidt). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics (2022). 98, 101858.

Intra-individual variability in task performance after cognitive training is associated with long-term outcomes in children. (with A. Cubillo, H. Hermes, E. Berger, K. Winkel, E. Fehr, T.A. Hare). Developmental Science (2022).

If you could read my mind – an experimental beauty-contest game with children. (with H. Hermes). Experimental Economics. 25 (2022), 229-253.

Motivating Low-Achievers – Relative Performance Feedback in Primary Schools. (with H. Hermes, M. Huschens, and F. Rothlauf). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 2021, 187 (2021) 45-59.

What Determines the Enforcement of Newly Introduced Social Norms: Personality Traits or Economic Preferences? Evidence from the COVID-19 Crisis. (with V. Wagner). Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics. 93 (2021) 101716.

Do Children Cooperate Conditionally? Adapting the Strategy Method for First-Graders. (with F. Hett, M. Mechtel, H. Hermes, F. Schmidt, and V. Wagner). Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization. 179 (2020) 638-652.

The Many Faces of Human Sociality – Uncovering the Distribution and Stability of Social Preferences. (with A. Bruhin and E. Fehr). Journal of the European Economic Association. 17, 4 (2019), 1025-1069.

GWAS of risk tolerance and risky behaviors in over one million individuals identify hundreds of loci and reveal shared genetic influences. (with the members of the Social Science Genetic Association Consortium et al.). Nature Genetics. 51 (2019), 245-257.

Temptation and Commitment in the Laboratory (with D. Houser, J. Winter, and E. Xiao). Games and Economic Behavior. 107 (2018), 329-344.

Combining Multiple Hypothesis Testing with Machine Learning Increases the Statistical Power of a Genome-wide Association Study of Seven Major Diseases. (with B. Mieth, M. Kloft, J-A Rodriguez, S. Sonnenburg, R. Vobruba, C. Morcillo, X. Farre, U. Marigorta, E. Fehr, T. Dickhaus, G. Blanchard, A. Navarro, K-R Mueller). Nature – Scientific Reports. 6, 36671 (2016), doi:10.1038/srep36671.

Assessing statistical significance in multivariable genome wide association analysis. (with L. Buzdugan, M. Kalisch, A. Navarro, E. Fehr, P. Buehlmann). Bioinformatics. 32, 13 (2016), 1990-2000.

Multiplicity- and dependency-adjusted p-values for control of the family-wise error rate. (with J. Stange, T. Dickhaus, and A. Navarro). Statistics and Probability Letters, 11 (2016), 32-40.

Expectations as Reference Points: Field Evidence from Professional Soccer. (with B. Bartling and L. Brandes). Management Science. 61, 11 (2015), 2646–2661.

How individual characteristics shape the structure of social networks (with F. Hett and Y. Girard). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 115 (2015), 197-216.

How Do Judgmental Overconfidence and Overoptimism Shape Innovative Activity? (with H. Herz and C. Zehnder). Games and Economic Behavior. 83 (2014), 1-23.

Uncertainty causes rounding: an experimental study (with P. Ruud and J. Winter). Experimental Economics. 17 (2014), 391-413.

Strategic Responses! A Survey Experiment on Public Opposition against Pension Reforms. (with B. Scheubel and J. Winter). Scandinavian Journal of Economics. 115, 2 (2013), 549-574. [This paper was awarded the DIA-ZUKUNFTSPREIS 2010.]

Panel Conditioning in Difficult Attitudinal Questions (with J. Binswanger and V. Toepoel). Public Opinion Quarterly. 77, 3 (2013), 783-797.

The Case for Limited Auditor Liability - The Effects of Liability Size on Risk Aversion and Ambiguity Aversion (with C. Koch). Schmalenbach Business Review. 65, 1 (2013), 54–75.

The relationship between child health, developmental gaps, and parental education: Evidence from administrative data (with M. Salm). Journal of the European Economic Association. 10, 6 (2012), 1425–1449.

Refined statistical inference methods for contingency table analyses in genetic association studies (with T. Dickhaus, K. Straßburger, A. Navarro, and C. Suarez). Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology. 11, 4 (2012).

Linking brain structure and activation in the temporo parietal junction to explain the neurobiology of human altruism (with Y. Morishima, A. Bruhin, C. Ruff, and E. Fehr). Neuron. 75, 1 (2012), 73-79.

What is an adequate standard of living during retirement? (with J. Binswanger). Journal of Pension Economics and Finance. 11, 2 (2012), 203-222.

Health Effects on Children's Willingness to Compete (with B. Bartling and E. Fehr). Experimental Economics. 15 (2012), 58-70.

Distinguishing Trust from Risk: An Anatomy of the Investment Game (with D. Houser and J. Winter). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization. 74, 1-2 (2010), 72-81.

Patience of preschool children – Results of an experimental study in the context of the children’s household (with B. Bartling, E. Fehr, B. Fischer, F. Kosse, M. Maréchal, F. Pfeiffer, J. Schupp, K. Spieß, G. Wagner). Journal of Contextual Economics. 130 (2010), 297–323. [In German]

Disrupting the prefrontal cortex diminishes the human ability to build a good reputation (with D. Knoch, F. Schneider, M. Hohmann, and E. Fehr). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. (shared first authorship with D. Knoch and F. Schneider), 106, 49 (2009), 20895-20899.

Behavioral Heterogeneity in Dynamic Search Situations: Theory and experimental evidence. Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 33 (2009), 1719-1738.

Egalitarianism and Competitiveness (with B. Bartling, E. Fehr, and M. Marechal). American Economic Review, Papers&Proceedings, 99 (2), (2009), 93-98.

The relationship between risk attitudes and heuristics in search tasks: A laboratory experiment. (with J. Winter). Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 71 (2009), 347-360.

Social Environments with Competitive Pressure: Gender Effects in the Decisions of German Schoolchildren (with D. Houser). Journal of Economic Psychology, 30, (2009), 634-641.

Participation costs for responders can reduce rejection rates in ultimatum bargaining (with P. Wichardt and P. Schmitz). Economics Letters, 103 (2009), 33-35.

What Determines the Savings Behavior of German Households? An Examination of Saving Motives and Saving Decisions. Journal of Economics and Statistics, 229, 4 (2009), 467-491.

A Markov Chain Monte Carlo Algorithm for Multiple Imputation in Large Surveys. Advances in Statistical Analysis, 92 (2008), 101-114.

Saving incentives, old-age provision and displacement effects: Evidence from the recent German pension reform (with A. Börsch-Supan and A. Reil-Held). Journal of Pension Economics and Finance, 7, 3 (2008), 295-319.

Combining Brain and Behavioral Data to Improve Econometric Policy Analysis (with D. Houser and E. Xiao). Analyse & Kritik, 29 (2007), 382–397.

Explaining heterogeneity in utility functions by individual differences in preferred decision modes (with C. Betsch). Journal of Economic Psychology, 27, 3 (2006), 386-401.

Classification of Human Decision Behavior: Finding Modular Decision Rules with Genetic Algorithms (with F. Rothlauf and J. Pfeiffer). In: H.G. Beyer et al. (eds.), Genetic and Evolutionary Computation 2005, ACM Press, New York (2005), 2021-2028.

Spatial Dynamic Modeling and Urban Land Use Transformation: A Simulation Approach to Assessing the Fiscal Costs of Urban Sprawl (with B. Deal). Ecological Economics, 51, 1-2 (2004), 79-95.

Impacts of a Carbon Tax Policy on Illinois Grain Farms – A Dynamic Simulation Study (with B. Hannon). Environmental Economics and Policy Studies, 6, 3 (2004), 221-247.


The German SAVE-Survey: Design and Results (with A. Boersch-Supan, M. Coppola, A. Eymann, and L. Essig). mea-Verlag (2008). 186 pages.

Other publications

Welche Fähigkeiten benötigen wir in der Arbeitswelt der Zukunft? The Reporting Times (2019), 14, 18. (in German)

Ungleichheit: Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven auf Ursachen und Implikationen. Jointly edited with P. Harms, C. Landwehr, M. Scharfbillig, Science Policy Paper 2 (2018). Frankfurt am Main: Mercator Science-Policy Fellowship-Programm. (in German)

Savings and Asset Accumulation in Germany. In: D. Engels and K. Ridder (eds.), Weiterentwicklung der Reichtumsberichterstattung der Bundesregierung. DIW/BMAS (2007). Köln, 53-68. (in German)

The German SAVE-Survey: Methodology of a Nationwide Field Survey. MEA-Technical Report 109-06 (2006). MEA - University of Mannheim.

Markets as Complex Adaptive Systems: An Introduction to Evolutionary Modelling. Wirtschaftswissenschaftliches Studium, 8 (2005), 409-413 (in German)

Relevance determination in learning vector quantization (with T. Bojer, B. Hammer, K. Tluk von Toschanowitz.). In: M. Verleysen (ed.), European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks ‘2001, D-facto publications (2001), 271-276