
Seminar Master „Preferences of children and adolescents” (Fr, June 12 2020)

We hope to have a great Seminar even in times of #SocialDistancing and home office. Therefore we intend to hold our entire seminar via Microsoft Teams as long as necessary or possibly for the whole semester. You can use Teams with your ZDV-account in the browser, but more comfortably by installing it via entering your ZDV-account

We changed the time of the Kick-off call in Teams to Friday April 24. at 4 pm and hope that this does not coincide with any of your courses. Please join the call with both video and audio if possible so that we can get to know each other.

Please find more information in JOGUStiNe


Aufgrund des Forschungssemesters von Prof. Schunk wird im SoSe 2020 kein Bachelorseminar angeboten.