

Bachelorseminar WiSe 2024/2025


Information on the seminars in the winter term 2024/25 will be completed soon. Check our website regularly to stay up to date. 


Masterseminar Public Policy WiSe 2024/2025:

Narratives in Economics

Narratives drive economic behavior by framing how individuals and institutions perceive and respond to economic realities. They influence individuals’ beliefs, investment decisions, and policy-making by providing a coherent context for understanding complex economic phenomena. Historical and contemporary examples reveal how powerful narratives can create economic booms, busts, and shifts in public policy. By examining these stories, we develop an understanding of how they translate to economic behavior and uncover the mechanisms by which narratives can alter market dynamics and drive individual decision making. In this seminar, we aim to dive deep into the conceptualization of narratives and investigate how they shape individuals’ beliefs and economic behavior.

No specific MIEPP course is required. 


October 28, 2024: Introductory session 

November 14, 2024: Individual meetings, questions on papers

November 15, 2024: Individual meetings, questions on papers

January 10, 2025, 11:59 pm: Deadline for a draft of your paper

January 17, 2025: Seminar with discussions & presentations

January 24, 2025: Seminar with discussions & presentations

February 7, 2025, 11:59 pm: Deadline for final paper

Individual meetings: every Tuesday, 10:00 - 11:00 am in room 02-135 (ReWi II).

Initial Literature:

  • Roos, M., & Reccius, M. (2024). Narratives in economics. Journal of Economic Surveys38(2), 303-341.
  • Shiller, R. J. (2017). Narrative economics. American Economic Review107(4), 967-1004.
  • Shiller, R. J. (2020). Narrative economics: How stories go viral and drive major economic events. Princeton University Press.

Doctoral Seminar "Public and Behavioral Economics" WiSe 2024/2025:

In the doctoral seminar, we present and discuss research projects in the fields of public and behavioral economics, and we teach new research methods that are being used in these fields. The seminar will take place every two weeks and it lasts 90 minutes. All doctoral students and master students from economics at JGU are invited to attend. The seminar takes place in room 02-132 (ReWi II).



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Master (6 CP) Lecture and Tutorial "Principles of Public Economics"


In this course, students gain a deep understanding of the state's role in the economy. Building on key methods and concepts of public economics, we discuss the scope for and limitations of government intervention in the context of social welfare, market failure, public goods, and externalities. Combining theoretical insights and empirical evidence, we also cover the political economy underlying government action as well as highly debated topics, such as redistribution, social security, and public debt. By participating in this quantitative lecture- and tutorial-based course, students gain command of basic models and methods of analyzing public economic issues as well as the ability to apply this conceptual knowledge to policy issues. They learn how data can be used to corroborate their economic thinking and develop evidence-based policy advice.

The materials for the lecture will be provided via MS Teams. We will provide you with the access code via Jogustine and during the first lecture.


Bachelor (6 CP) Vorlesung und Übung "Öffentliche Finanzen":


In den Vorlesungen werden grundlegende und aktuelle finanz- und wirtschaftspolitische Probleme vorgestellt und diskutiert. In der Übung werden hierzu quantitative Aufgaben gerechnet. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung werden die Studierenden vertieft mit der Rolle des Staates in der Marktwirtschaft vertraut gemacht. Sie sollen Wirkungen der staatlichen Aktivität auf das Wirtschafts- und Sozialsystem verbal als auch formal-quantitativ analysieren und diskutieren können, ebenso die Rolle der Sozialversicherungsträger. Darüber hinaus wird den Studierenden ein grundlegendes Verständnis empirischer Daten zu Längsschnitt- und Querschnittvergleichen staatlicher Aktivität vermittelt, um sie zu befähigen, auf dieser Basis eigenständige empirische Analysen zu wirtschaftspolitischen Fragestellungen durchführen zu können.

Die Unterlagen werden über MS Teams bereitgestellt. Den Zugangscode erhalten Sie über Jogustine sowie während der ersten Vorlesung.

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Master (6 ECTS) Lecture and tutorial "Behavioral and Experimental Economics"

In Behavioral and Experimental Economics, we cover the central methods and concepts of this field at an advanced level. By integrating psychological insights into economics, behavioral economics challenges traditional models of decision making that are based on standard economic preferences and standard economic beliefs. After discussing such classic models of economic decision behavior, we present evidence from laboratory and field experiments in economics and psychology which has led to alternative descriptive models of behavior. In this context, we also discuss how the modern empirical-experimental toolbox can provide causal evidence on the determinants of human behavior. Expanding their own toolbox, students learn to discuss current theoretical and empirical research in behavioral economics.


Master (6 ECTS) Lecture and tutorial "Economics of Education"

The course deals with current research in the area “Economics of Education” at an advanced level, involving theoretical models as well as current empirics. We discuss the relevance of education as a central driver for individual and societal economic well-being and for productivity growth in the economy. Thereby, we cover topics such as individual decisions to invest (or to not invest) in education, long-term individual and social returns to education, the role of human capital, i.e. an individual’s skills and abilities, as a determinant of labor market success and the efficiency and equity of various different educational policies.

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Bachelorseminar WiSe 2022/2023

Ausgewählte Fragestellungen der Bildungsökonomik


Bildung ist ein wichtiger Produktivitätstreiber und somit auch Treiber von Einkommen und ökonomischem Wachstum. Darüber hinaus korreliert Bildung mit besserer Gesundheit, einem größeren zivilgesellschaftlichen Engagement sowie einer geringen Wahrscheinlichkeit, kriminell zu werden. Die gesamtgesellschaftliche Bedeutung von Bildung ist immens.

Die Ökonomik als Knappheitslehre ist dafür prädestiniert, sich dem Thema Bildung anzunehmen. Im Bildungssektor spielt Effizienz eine große Rolle und es geht unter anderem darum, mit begrenzten Ressourcen maximalen Output zu generieren. In diesem Seminar wollen wir ausgewählte Fragestellungen der Bildungsökonomik untersuchen, die von grundlegenden Themenbereichen wie den individuellen und gesellschaftlichen Bildungsrenditen über die Effizienz und Fairness verschiedener Bildungspolitiken und -interventionen bis hin zu aktuellen Fragen hinsichtlich der Auswirkungen der Corona-Pandemie und dem Einsatz von adaptiver Lernsoftware reichen.

Dieses Seminar richtet sich an Bachelor-Studierende. Bitte beachten Sie: Die Anmeldung zu diesem Seminar erfolgt nicht über den Lehrstuhl, sondern über Jogustine. Die Anmeldefristen entnehmen Sie bitte den Ankündigungen des Studienbüros. Die Themenvergabe findet bei der ersten Sitzung am 31. Oktober 2022  statt. Individuelle Betreuungstermine finden am 08. und 09. November 2022 ganztags statt.


Beginn des Seminars: 31.10.2022, HS V (ReWi II)
Abgabe des Exposés. 28.11.2022, per E-Mail
Präsentation des Exposés: 20.01.2023
Beginn der Bachelorarbeit: 25.01.2023
Abgabe der Bachelorarbeit: 22.03.2023, per E-Mail


Masterseminar Public Policy WiSe 2022/2023:

The behavioralist’s toolbox: Shaping pro-environmental behavior


The individual assignment of topics will take place in our first session on 31st October 2022 in room HS V (ReWi II). The presentation day will take place on 19th January 2023 in room HS VII (ReWi II). Individual meetings will be on 29th November 2022 from 9:00 to 17:00.

Climate change mitigation is a centenary task for the global community. Whether it will be possible to limit global warming to less than 2°C compared to pre-industrial ages and thereby contain loss of habitat and biodiversity depends on the efforts that will be undertaken to transform our current systems and reach CO2-neutrality. Whereas policymakers hold big stakes in creating the change, they are – in the best cases – legitimated by the individual. Shaping individual pro-environmental attitudes and behavior is therefore of utmost importance. In this seminar we study possibilities to shape pro-environmental behaviors. Thereby, based on the available economic literature, but also on the literature from related fields, we investigate i.a. how environmental behavior evolves over the lifespan and how interventions have been effectful to promote pro-environmental behavior.

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Master (6 CP) Lecture and Tutorial "Principles of Public Economics"


In this course, students gain a deep understanding of the state's role in the economy. Building on key methods and concepts of public economics, we discuss the scope for and limitations of government intervention in the context of social welfare, market failure, public goods, and externalities. Combining theoretical insights and empirical evidence, we also cover the political economy underlying government action as well as highly debated topics, such as redistribution, social security, and public debt. By participating in this quantitative lecture- and tutorial-based course, students gain command of basic models and methods of analyzing public economic issues as well as the ability to apply this conceptual knowledge to policy issues. They learn how data can be used to corroborate their economic thinking and develop evidence-based policy advice.

The materials for the lecture will be provided via MS Teams. We will provide you with the access code via Jogustine and during the first lecture.


Bachelor (6 CP) Vorlesung und Übung "Öffentliche Finanzen":


In den Vorlesungen werden grundlegende und aktuelle finanz- und wirtschaftspolitische Probleme vorgestellt und diskutiert. In der Übung werden hierzu quantitative Aufgaben gerechnet. Im Rahmen dieser Veranstaltung werden die Studierenden vertieft mit der Rolle des Staates in der Marktwirtschaft vertraut gemacht. Sie sollen Wirkungen der staatlichen Aktivität auf das Wirtschafts- und Sozialsystem verbal als auch formal-quantitativ analysieren und diskutieren können, ebenso die Rolle der Sozialversicherungsträger. Darüber hinaus wird den Studierenden ein grundlegendes Verständnis empirischer Daten zu Längsschnitt- und Querschnittvergleichen staatlicher Aktivität vermittelt, um sie zu befähigen, auf dieser Basis eigenständige empirische Analysen zu wirtschaftspolitischen Fragestellungen durchführen zu können.

Die Unterlagen werden über MS Teams bereitgestellt. Den Zugangscode erhalten Sie über Jogustine sowie während der ersten Vorlesung.


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